Riverside Park 2 January 2025

The traditional New Year’s day walk at Riverside Park took place on the 2nd January in 2025, and we enjoyed much more pleasant birding conditions than we otherwise might have done as a result.  As we started out around Bowers Lock the birds were active, with a large flock of Long Tailed, Blue and Great Tits.  As we stood watching the Tit flock they were joined by Nuthatch and Treecreeper, and the first Red Kite of the morning drifted overhead. A group of about a dozen Siskin were flying from tree to tree before settling in one to feed alongside a couple of Goldfinch.

In a distant pool the other side of the river there were Canada Geese, Egyptian Geese, and some Mallard and Teal.  A pheasant was spotted and a male Sparrowhawk perched in a tree.  Two Grey Herons flew into the same pool we had been watching.  Walking further on by the river a Little Grebe was working it’s way along the opposite bank, staying submerged for long periods and keeping well hidden amongst the reeds.  Small groups of Cormorant flew past us occasionally and a Kestrel hovered above a field.  A Goldcrest and a Robin provided some entertainment close to us and we then turned our attention to the Gulls on the recycling and waste centre.  They were mainly Black Headed and Herring Gulls, but with one or two Greater and Lesser Black Backed amongst them.  A pair of wrens were singing and chasing each other around and a Chiffchaff showed well.

As we came to Stoke Locke the explosive song of a Cetti’s warbler rang out and this bird did obligingly pop out into view for us a few times.

Crossing back over the river bridge and making our way along the board walk, we had some closer views of a couple of Teal.  The lake itself was quiet in terms of ducks, with only Mallard and Tufted Duck present, but there was a Coot and many more Gulls.

Returning to the car park there was a wonderful finale in the form of a Peregrine that soared overhead, closely followed by a Kestrel once again flying through and perching in a tree.  A good start to a new year’s sightings for everyone, as by the end of the walk the group had seen a total of 41 species.

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