
In severe weather, a meeting may be cancelled. Check with walk leader or field trip co-ordinator Malcolm Toyer.

  • Feb
    February 13, 2025 at 10:00 am Show Details

    OS: TQ 168323

    Post Code: RH12 2RA

    Duration:  Half day walk

    Leader:  Clare Harrington

    Directions: At the roundabout where the A24 south from Dorking meets the A264, take the A24 to Horsham.  At the next roundabout take the first exit left B2237 Warnham Road.  The Reserve car park is 100 m on the left.

    Habitat: The Reserve comprises a large mill pond, an area of marsh with a boardwalk and mature woodlands.  The tracks around the Reserve are mostly firm and well-maintained.

    Attractions: There are three hides, one with several feeders (viewable from close range so providing excellent photography opportunities).  A range of woodland, water and marsh birds can be found at all times of the year, especially during the winter.

    Amenities:Hot drinks and snacks available at the visitors centre which also has toilets.  There is a small charge of £4 for entry (NB. card payments only)

    Information: https://www.horsham.gov.uk/parks-and-countryside/warnham-local-nature-reserve/admission-prices-and-opening-times

  • Feb
    February 23, 2025 at 9:30 am Show Details

    OS: SU 680044
    Post Code: PO6 1UN

    Duration: All day walk.

    Leader: John Curtin

    Directions: NB The postcode will take you to a car park by a hotel which is not the one you want. From the A27, take the Southsea exit (A2030) and just past the roundabout traffic lights turn sharp left through entrance to the marshes. There are three parking areas along the track. Park at the far end if room.

    Habitat: Variety of habitats near estuary

    Attractions: Brent geese, waders, bearded tits, Cetti’s warblers, water rail.

    Amenities: No facilities. Lunch to be carried.

    Please bring appropriate clothing and footwear for conditions on the day which can be subject to change at any time. You will be expected to use the walk in such a way as not to place yourselves or others at risk and to follow all requirements set by the walk leader.

  • Mar
    March 16, 2025 at 9:30 am Show Details

    OS: SU 535023
    Post Code: PO14 3JT

    All day walk, bring lunch.

    Tony Cummins

    From M27, take A27 Fareham turn-off. Follow A27 beyond Fareham then left to Stubbington and Hill Head. Turn right at petrol station to Hill Head. Meet in car park by Yacht Club. Extra parking on Meon Shore seafront. Car parking is £1.10 per hour.

    Alternative route via M27 Exit 9 for Fareham West, Posbrook Land and Meon Shore.

    Tour of 7 hides either side of the river along well-maintained paths. Western side paths can be very wet/underwater in winter.

    Regular all year site.  Winter ducks and waders with occasional raptors, bittern, firecrest. Breeding bearded tits, avocets and Marsh Harrier. Regular tern species in summer. Good site for views of water rail, kingfisher and for summer dragonflies.

    Toilets available at the Visitors Centre.  Entrance charge to reserve of £5.50 for senior citizens.


  • Apr
    April 12, 2025 at 9:30 am Show Details

    OS: TR 014647
    Post Code: ME13 0QA

    Duration:  All day walk, bring lunch

     Leader:  Tony Cummins

    Directions:  Take the M2 to junction 6, then A251 to Faversham, where it meets the A2(T), then turn left. After 1 mile turn right at roundabout just past Ospringe onto the B2045 to Oare Village. Turn left at the T junction in front of the boat yard, then right into a narrow road just behind the Village pub (Three Mariners), and proceed to the Reserve car park at the end (signposted Harty Ferry).  Car parking fee of £3.50 at weekends, can be paid in advance via RingGo.  Please note-the postcode above takes you to the Three Mariners pub.

    Habitat:  Grazing marsh with freshwater dykes, open water scrapes, reedbeds, saltmarsh and seawall.

    Attractions:  The Reserve has pathways around the edge of the marshes and the Swale banks, including some hides. Winter can be good for waders and occasional raptors. Spring and autumn are good for migrating waders and passerines. Breeding birds in the reed beds include reed and sedge warblers and bearded tits.

    Amenities: There are no facilities at the Reserve, but at weekends between April and November the toilets at the nearby Oare Gunpowder Works Country Park may be available. Toilets also available at the superstore.

     Information:  https://www.kentwildlifetrust.org.uk/nature-reserves/oare-marshes

  • Apr
    April 17, 2025 at 9:30 am Show Details

    OS: SU 858418
    Post Code: GU10 3BT

    Duration:  Half Day walk

     Leader:  Christine Shawyer

     Directions:  A3 to Thursley, follow signs to Frensham and Tilford, turn left into Grange Road, immediately before Tilford village sign. Use National Trust Frensham Little Pond car park on left after ford. Car parking charge for non-NT members now applies.

    Habitat:  Pond and reedbeds, woodland and open heathland. Easy walking on firm paths around Pond, but can be wet.

     Attractions:  Winter ducks, crossbills, finches, possible bittern. Summer terns, warblers, flycatchers. All year woodlarks, kingfisher, stonechat.

    Amenities:  Toilets at café. Tern Café open daily from 10.00 – 15.00 but may be closed in bad weather.

     Information:  https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/frensham-little-pond

  • Apr
    April 27, 2025 at 9:30 am Show Details

    OS: SU 878491
    Post Code: GU12 4BP

    Duration:  Half day walk

    Leader:  Sean Foote

    Directions:  Take the A31 towards Farnham. At the Shepherd & Flock roundabout take the third exit (A325). At the second roundabout turn right (B3208) towards Badshot passing a superstore. After passing through the village on the Badshot Lea Road look for a garage on the left.  Continue on the B3208. Turn right after half mile into Guildford Road (sign-posted cricket club and crematorium), park at far end of road in Aldershot Park (not Lido car park).

    Habitat:  The group walk takes a public path across the recreation ground to Tongham GP and along its western edge to the extraction works at Tice’s Meadow. Views can be obtained across the open water from the Mound. The pathways can be very wet in the winter.

     Attractions:  Spring and autumn visits can find migrating ducks, waders, hirundines and gulls. Summer breeding birds include little ringed plovers and common terns, while the surrounding woods are good for warblers.

    Amenities:  No facilities on site, nearest facilities in superstore in Badshot Lea.

    Information:  Sightings: http://www.ticesmeadow.org/