A dank and dismal afternoon greeted the seventeen members who met at Pyrford Bridge. The unpromising conditions were initially matched by a paucity of birds until a Peregrine broke the ice atop a pylon in the meadow opposite the access path to the lake. Views of the lake showed a large number of Black-headed Gulls, a Common Gull and many Coots. A few Mallards and Tufted Ducks were scattered around while a Grey Heron was on the far bank. Looking back from further along the path a Pochard came into view shortly followed by four Red-Crested Pochards, three handsome drakes and a striking female. In the fringing shrubbery was a small flock of Long-tailed Tits accompanied by a Blue Tit, a Great Tit and a few Goldfinches. Shortly afterwards a group of Gadwalls, three Wigeons and a couple of Great-crested Grebes appeared. Then it was off along the path to the farm which proved uneventful apart from a screech from a Jay. At the start of the farm track a Great Spotted Woodpecker was tearing into a dead branch with a Redwing for company. Greylag and Egyptian Geese were in the adjacent fields while a little further along a few of the group had a brief view of a Little Owl before it went out of sight. In the cattle pasture a Mistle Thrush was perched on machinery and a Pied Wagtail ran across the path. A distant Kestrel was also spotted on its perch. Activity across the water meadows was limited. A large flock of Starlings sat briefly on the wires prior to roosting. A Stonechat sat at a similar elevation while a cock Pheasant flew into cover but alas no Barn Owl. A species list of 43 exceeded expectations at the start.
Author: Tony Cummins
Sheepleas 17 October 2024
The walk took place on a lovely autumn day with an attendance of fourteen including the group’s regional RSPB manager, Hugo Bromfield. The walk proved very interesting and productive with many fungi species seen. The following is a list of those identified.
Tricholoma scalpturatum, Yellowing Knight
Coprinopsis picaceus, Magpie Inkcap
Cortinarius croceocaeruleus –
Mycena maculata, Stained Bonnet
Mycena crocata, Saffrondrop Bonnet
Mycena haematopus, Burgundydrop Bonnet
Russula nobilis, Beechwood Sickener
Helvella crispa, White Saddle
Amanita muscaria, Fly Agaric
Cortinarius elegantissimus –
Inocybe sp. One of the Fibrecaps
Psathyrella corrugis, Red-edge Brittlestem
Mycena pelianthina, Black-edged Bonnet
Stereum hirsutum, Hairy Curtain Crust
Xylaria hypoxylon, Candlesnuff
Hebeloma crustuliniforme, Poison Pie
Fomitopsis betulina, Birch Polypore/Razorstrop Fungus
Xerula radicata, Rooting Shank
Gymnopilus penetrans, Common Rustgill
Psathyrella piluliformis, Common Stump Brittlestem
Clavulina coralloides (cristata), Crested Coral
Melanoleuca polioleuca, Common Cavalier
Bisporella citrina, Lemon Disco
Byssomerulius corium, Netted Crust*
Mycoacia uda _ *
Inocybe geophylla, White Fibrecap
Trametes versicolor, Turkey Tail
Daedaleopsis confragosa, Blushing Bracket
Gymnopus brassicolens, Cabbage Parachute
Clavaria acuta, Pointed Club**
Postia tephraleuca, Greyling Bracket (soft,white bracket)
Helvella lacunosa, Black Saddle
Hygrophorus eburneus, Ivory Woodwax
Clitocybe phaeophthalma, Chicken Run Funnel
Hygrocybe conica, Blackening Waxcap
*The Byssomerulius and the Mycoacia were found growing together. Whether one was trying to takeover the other or whether they were peacefully co-existing was unclear.
** Originally thought to be Clavaria fragilis but that is a grassland species whereas Clavaria acuta grows “gregariously” or singly in woodland or grassland.
Several Cortinarius species were also found. Both elegantissimus and croceocaeruleus have been confirmed at Sheepleas in the past. However as there are over 2000 species of Cortinarius and many of them are brown, they are almost impossible to identify in the field.
Puttenham Common
It was disappointing that the first walk of the new season coincided with the end of the reliable weather of recent weeks. Just eight members engaged in denial about the forecast and were greeted by steady rain that soon became unremitting. It was clear that the walk would have to be confined to the lakes area. It began at Cutt Mill Pond where the growing shrubbery made viewing difficult. Eventually two Great Crested Grebes were spotted followed by a couple of Cormorants and a Mallard. Near the Mill a Robin was singing and the fluting voice of a Goldcrest was heard. Then with a harsh cry a Grey Heron fly down to perch at the water’s edge. On then to the Tarn which initially appeared devoid of birds before a Kingfisher flew along the far bank and disappeared into cover. At the second lake a Black-headed Gull and a couple of Coots were added to the morning’s meagre bag. Finally in the woods close to the car park a small feeding flock flitted among the treetops; identification though foggy optics was tricky but the majority were Long-tailed tits with a few Great Tits. The species list totalled twelve.
Sheepleas 4 July 2024
Seventeen members attended the walk at Sheepleas, familiar for fungi events but new for butterflies. Conditions were sunny but there was wind with a cold edge that undoubtedly discouraged flight. There were reasonable numbers of Marbled Whites and Meadows Browns about but other species that should have been abundant in the flower meadows were confined with one exception to single figures. Early on came sightings of the solitary Comma and Red Admiral encountered. Later came singles of Large Skipper, Large White and Brimstone. Two Small Heaths and three Ringlets came to seem excessive. The star sighting was a dozen fritillaries flitting about at speed that obstinately refused to land in order to permit precise identification. Eventually one was spotted on the ground and after a long wait it lifted its wings to reveal the tell-tale splodges on the underwing that clinched it as a Dark-green Fritillary. The butterfly species count came to eleven, accompanied by the same number of bird species, mainly heard, that included a tuneful Garden Warbler.
Blackheath Common 27 June 2024
Twenty members attended the postponed dusk walk in conditions much improved on those of a fortnight earlier but still not ideal for Nightjar viewing. In the event there was a satisfactory chorus of churring as night encroached on the heath; most heard wing clapping and a lucky minority glimpsed one or two Nightjars silhouetted against the deepening gloom. There were also two flypasts by roding Woodcocks that some were able to enjoy.
Bookham Common 23 June 2024
Nine members joined a highly enjoyable Sunday walk. The fun began the moment we stepped out of our cars and found family groups of Long-tailed Tits, Blue Tits, Great Tits and Wrens all around the Tunnel car park. We could also hear plenty of Blackcaps and Nuthatches in the woods awaiting us. The weather was excellent: blue skies with high clouds. Crossing the Plains, we saw plenty of singing warblers: Common Whitethroats, Chiffchaffs and even a Garden Warbler. Then, our attention was drawn by the calls of gulls who were mobbing a soaring falcon in the sky to our left. It had to be a Hobby or a Peregrine, probably the latter. We also began to see increasing numbers of butterflies: Large Skipper, Marbled White, Meadow Brown and Comma. Later on in the walk, we added Speckled Wood, Ringlet, White Admiral, Red Admiral and even a Purple Hairstreak to our list. (No Purple Emperor or Silver-washed Fritillary yet but due to appear at the site soon).
We passed the Plains car park and found lots of Common Spotted Orchids alongside the path – always a delight. A Great Spotted Woodpecker climbed high in a tree; Song Thrushes and Blackbirds sang; Jays, Magpies and Woodpigeons flew overhead. At one spot, a Bullfinch showed very briefly. Greenfinch, Goldfinch and Dunnock all put in appearances. Beyond the Hundred Pound Bridge car park, we appreciated the shade offered by the tall trees and enjoyed watching a low-flying Buzzard calling loudly above us. With so much leaf cover, it now became very hard to get any clear views. Stock Doves called frequently. When we reached the Bird Hide, we found few waterbirds (Coot, Moorhen) on show, although there were plenty of dragonflies on the wing. One of the larger pools had three (im)posing Grey Herons, and the ‘Isle of Wight’ pond held plenty of Mallards and Canada Geese. We returned to the cars at with a bird list showing a respectable total of 32 species.
Whitmoor Common 1 June 2024
Twelve of us met in the car park of the Jolly Farmer pub. While we waited to start a Kestrel flew over with a vole in its talons. Setting off into the first area of woodland by some houses we began to see and hear lots of Blue and Great Tits, and the beautiful song of Blackcaps rang out around us. We had good views of a Nuthatch, possibly a youngster, perched above us on a tree branch. A Red Kite drifted across the sky. Further on into the woods we briefly saw a family group of Great Spotted Woodpeckers. A Green Woodpecker could also be heard calling.
Out on the heathland we had good views of two Linnets on the path in front of us. A Cormorant flew over in the distance as did a Grey Heron. We had remarked about the lack of Stonechats in this habitat where they would be expected, however, then we saw one sitting on top of a small pine. In the distance a Raven flew past. A Willow Warbler was seen skulking in the bushes with food in its beak and a Chiffchaff sang from a tree.
Nearing the railway bridge we could hear a Garden Warbler singing but were unable to locate it for a view, and a family of Nuthatches was very active flying to and from a garden birdfeeder. A Buzzard circled high up above us. We took a path through another area of heathland where we heard a Dartford Warbler. Unfortunately for us, the birds were keeping out of view in the heather. Long-tailed Tits were observed in a group of birch trees and a Coal Tit sang. We took the path back and returned towards the pond. On the way movement alerted us to something which turned out to be a Treecreeper which unusually perched perfectly still halfway up a tree for an extended period of time so we all could see it. The pond itself was very quiet, with no bird life in evidence save for a Moorhen calling. Throughout the morning we frequently heard Goldcrests but none were seen.
By the time we returned to the car park we had managed a list of thirty two species in all (including those heard) which made for a very interesting morning with many fledgling birds in evidence.
Newlands Corner 23 May 2024
With no rain forecast eleven of us assembled under cloudy skies at Newlands Corner car park. Our first stop at the view to the south gave us several Whitethroat, a Buzzard and the sounds of Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Chaffinch; then came our first glimpses of Swifts, Swallows and a couple of House Martins. The ever-present Skylarks were singing above the cereal field on our descent to the farm. Around the farm buildings were two Great Spotted Woodpeckers and a Dunnock, while perched along the telegraph poles were House Sparrow, Whitethroat and Goldfinch with young while House Martins & Swallows flitted above. Ascending the bridle path, we heard our first Goldcrest in pines on the left and saw a flighty flock of a dozen or more Stock Doves briefly on the ground opposite. Two Linnets were obligingly perched on fencing to our right, another ascending Skylark, then a flock of busy Starlings, a Red Kite and more hirundines overhead. Crossing White Lane and on up the sandy rise of St Martha’s Hill, we heard Blackcap, Robin, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Chiffchaff and then our first singing Firecrest. No clear sight of it but the pause afforded a view of recently fledged Wrens being fed by a parent. Then we enjoyed an eye-level encounter with a soaring Buzzard at the top of the hill and a pit stop in the churchyard of St Martha’s, accompanied by a Yehudi Menuhin School violinist playing inside. On our descent from the church through Rhododendrons, a Nuthatch purported to be a Treecreeper. Then several Goldcrests were heard territorially singing in the large conifers. Another singing Firecrest could be heard at the corner of White Lane while a Crow was seen angrily mobbing a Sparrowhawk.
Ascending again next to beautifully laid Hawthorn hedge, keen eyes spotted a Painted Lady butterfly in the scrubby field. An elusive Green Woodpecker was heard and another Buzzard soared above the millionaires’ houses. Back out onto the slope below Newlands Corner an extremely well-camouflaged Dingy Skipper was spotted and then then a Six Spot Burnet moth and a possible Small Heath butterfly in the now warm sunshine. In the woods amongst the ancient Yews and Oaks we made a final attempt to spot Bullfinch, Hawfinch or Marsh Tit, but not today. Clear views of another Sparrowhawk overhead then a final stop on the Yew Tree Project boardwalk for some “forest bathing”. A Green-Veined White butterfly was spotted on route back up to the car park. It was very pleasant walk in beautiful surroundings. Total number of bird species seen or heard was 36.
Thursley Common 17 May 2024
Twelve members met on an overcast morning with heavy rain forecast. The first part our walk produced only a few birds: Mallards and (unusually) a Mute Swan on the Moat, a Whitethroat at the beginning of the boardwalk, and the first of several Stonechats. Pudmore Ponds had a Tufted Duck, an Egyptian Goose and several Canada Geese. The area around Shrike Hill became more interesting with a Tree Pipit performing parachute display flights. Our walk south from the dragonfly sculpture allowed us to see two Dartford Warblers, brief glimpses of two Woodlarks and a good view of a Great Spotted Woodpecker perched on a bare tree. At the far end of that path were singing Willow Warblers. The only raptor seen during the morning was a Kestrel. Until this point, Redstarts had proved elusive but we then found two singing in trees alongside Parish Field. Unfortunately, they stayed high within the tree and we could not get a good view. A Blackcap sang nearby. At that point the rain began and brought proceedings to a close. Total species identified came to 29
RSPB Otmoor 9 May 2024
The trip to Otmoor was blessed with glorious weather. Four species of warbler were seen before we left the car park including a Cetti’s which showed itself. Then it was off towards the reserve proper. To the left of the path out of the car park are The Closes. There no sooner than we had looked through a gap in hedgerow at a spot where Cranes are often seen than we heard one bugle and then fly over. The only Garden Warbler of the day was heard near the car park. Approaching Greenways we heard a female Cuckoo which was of the brown (hepatic) form. We saw and heard a great many Cuckoos throughout the day and they became most people’s star bird. Two Cranes had landed on Greenways but were out of sight sight but a little scanning revealed one very distantly and eventually the second walked into view. Around this time the first Hobby was spotted – at one point at least three were in view simultaneously. We took the path to the hide accompanied by Cetti’s, Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat, Sedge and Reed Warblers, Cuckoos and Hobbies. Redshank and Snipe were spotted from the hide while Linnets and a Yellowhammer were seen on the adjacent path. After lunch a scan of Big Otmoor produced more of the same fare plus Oystercatchers and a variety of wildfowl including a Barnacle Goose (presumably feral) and two hybrids that looked to be a mix of Ross’s and Barnacle and had apparently been present last year. The walk to the two screens was enjoyable but produced largely more of the same. Plenty of Cuckoos were chasing each other and a distant Bittern was heard booming. From the final screen there were two Common Terns, a Great-crested Grebe, Pochard and numerous Black-headed Gulls. The species list for the day was no less then 62.